Quick and Short Caller Module Instructions: (by N Hawthorn 10/9/91)
This module was created by N Hawthorn.
This module calls other modules in order, it uses a TEXT file to determine which modules you want it to call.
In this example set up, it calls the "example2" module twice because it's name is in the text file twice. You can make it call whatever you want.
You must name the Caller Module to a different name for each set of modules you want to call.
The ID # must be different than any other too. ResExpress or other resource movers will do this for you.
You need to put the folder "Caller" into the "1 BBS" folder, or the same folder as MUBBS. It must be called "Caller".
The file in the folder "Caller" called "caller1.info", contains the info needed for the Caller Module to call other modules. You should use something like "JolliWrite" (a D/A) to edit this file.
Each line in the file is the name of a module to call in decending order.
There is a MAXIMUM of 20 modules that can be called. Do not exceed this ! If you put the wrong name, you'll know it !
If someone hangs up on a module, this module just returns to it's calling module. If that happens to be the "main" module, then the line is hung up. If it's a menu module or other module, that module will have to figure out what to do ! It does NOT continue to call the modules in the list if someone hangs up.
If you name your Caller Module "joe", then the file in the "Caller" folder named "joe.info" will be used.
A Caller Module can call another Caller Module, but DON'T call YOUR CALLER MODULE or suffer a endless loop and weird effects !